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On Your Own 16-1 1. Open the data file Portlandia located in the Chapter 16On Your Own folder. Save the workbook as Portlandia Skies. 2. In the Documentation worksheet, enter your name in cell B3 and the date in cell B4. 3. In the Weather worksheet, based on the data in the range A4:M8, insert an appropriate chart (such as a column chart, line chart, or bar chart). Move the embedded chart to a chart sheet named Average Days Chart. 4. Format the chart using an appropriate chart layout and chart style. 5. Insert an appropriate chart title for the chart, and then change the font size as needed. 6. Add appropriate axis titles, and change the font sizes as needed. 7. Position the legend appropriately, and change its font size, border color, fill color, and so forth as desired. 8. Change the axis scale as needed to eliminate blank areas of the chart. 9. Add vertical gridlines to the major units in the chart. 10. Format the plot area to use an attractive fill. 11. Change the data series as needed so that each data series uses a distinct data marker fill and line color. 12. In the Weather worksheet, edit the text in cell A6 to Partly Cloudy. 13. In the Weather worksheet, based on the data in the range A4:A8;N4:N8, insert a pie chart. Reposition and resize the chart attractively on the Weather worksheet. 14. Format the pie chart attractively, using the chart layout, chart style, chart title, legend, and data labels of your choice. 15. In the Weather worksheet, in the cells of your choice, insert a line or column sparkline for each of the following data: Clear (range B5:M5), Partly Cloudy (range  On Your Own CMPTR2  Chapter 16: Inserting and Formatting Charts 2   On Your Own 16-1 B6:M6), Cloudy (range B7:M7), and Rainy (range B8:M8). Format the sparklines appropriately and enter labels to identify each sparkline. 16. In the Weather worksheet, insert data bars in the range N5:N8. 17. Save the workbook, and then close it. 

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