b”b’Due to increased demand forxe2x80x8b products, your privately held manufacturing company recently grew from 26xe2x80x8b'”

b”nDue to increased demand forxe2x80x8b products, your privately held manufacturing company recently grew from 26xe2x80x8b full-time employees to more than 190. The organizational structure was fairly hierarchical andxe2x80x8b tall, with most employees hired by you and reporting directly to you. Growth has forced you to flatten thexe2x80x8b organization, promoting people from within to supervisoryxe2x80x8b positions, but you are still the only person in a management position. Which of the followingxe2x80x8b upper-level positions would be the BEST choice to add first in thisxe2x80x8b situation?A.A structural engineerB.A diversity managerC.A human resource managerD.A dynamic leaderE.An advertising managerYou have recently been hired by a consulting firm that is 90 percent Caucasian male. As a new member of upperxe2x80x8b management, you have been asked to assist the human resources department in deciding upon a strategic initiative that fits with thexe2x80x8b company’s overall goal of gaining a competitive advantage. Which of the following ideas would be the BESTxe2x80x8b strategy?A.Hire more temporary workersB.Diversity trainingC.Implement performance appraisalsD.OutsourcingE.Homogenizing the workforce “

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