Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question.

Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a pagebreak, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.1. When officers perform an undercover operation, they need to be careful of which of the followingclaims?A. EntrapmentB. DiscriminationC. Hate crimeD. Human trafficking2. The majority of police services or operational activities result from which unit(s)?A. Criminal investigationB. PatrolC. Patrol, criminal investigation, and trafficD. Traffic3. The move from foot patrols to automobile patrols began in theA. 1940s.B. 1960s.C. 1950s.D. 1930s.4. Procedural guidelines limitA. training options.B. management levels.C. specialization.D. officer discretion.5. That police behavior is influenced and shaped by culture is a belief of the _______ perspective.A. culturalB. psychologicalC. anthropologicalD. sociological6. When an officer uses force too quickly or needlessly, he or she is guilty of _______ force.A. extralegalB. excessiveC. unnecessaryD. discretionary7. Which term is used to refer to how a police agency is structured?A. AdministrationB. OrganizationC. ManagementD. Specialization8. Which of the following is the primary means a police officer has to subdue suspects?A. TaserB. Soft touchC. Billy clubD. Oleoresin capsicum9. One basic objective of foot patrol is toA. eliminate apathy about reporting crime to the police.B. make greater use of patrol officers available for crime prevention tasks.C. take advantage of rough terrain for crime prevention.D. increase the number of misdemeanor arrests.10. The reactive beats used in the Kansas City study were defined as areas thatA. normally had the most citizen complaints.B. contained no active patrol unless a call for service was received.C. would include both car and foot patrols.D. contained a flood of patrol officers as a norm.11. The decision to make an arrest may often depend on theA. Agency General Orders.B. age of the suspect.C. demeanor of the suspect.D. level of offense.12. There are high rates of _______ in the police culture.A. diabetesB. alcoholism and drug abuseC. cancerD. mental health problems13. Citizen complaints to a 911 call center are less likely to result in _______ than police-initiated activities.A. the solving of crimesB. guns being drawnC. arrestsD. formal reports14. Work divided among employees so that it may be performed more efficiently is calledA. organization.B. formalization.C. specialization.D. management discretion.15. Police agencies attempt to control officer discretion throughA. strong supervision.B. mid-level supervision.C. merit evaluations.D. rules.16. Horse patrol is especially useful forA. parade control.B. smooth terrain.C. disorder situations.D. an inexpensive extension of normal foot patrol.17. Which quality serves as an interface between the organization and its officers?A. LeadershipB. AuthorityC. PlanningD. Management18. An officer’s use of force against a citizen is contingent on all of the following except whether theA. crime is considered severe.B. suspect is an adult or juvenile offender.C. suspect is in flight.D. officer is under immediate threat.19. Conflict, discretion, and knowledge of legal mandates are considered a police officer’s _______stressors.A. organizationalB. psychologicalC. functionalD. personal20. The authority granted by Terry v. Ohio has been used to supportEnd of examA. specific detention.B. temporary arrest.C. stop-and-frisk.D. arrest based on reasonable suspicion.

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