Kevin is in the fifth grade, which would make him approximately 11 years old. Although intelligent and athletic he also is disruptive in class.

Kevin is in the fifth grade, which would make him approximately 11 years old. Although intelligent and athletic he also is disruptive in class. He does not devote attention, energy or effort to homework assignments because he knows “just enough” to coast through without expending resources to understand the material. He is popular with other students and coalesces their behavior and activities, which (because of Kevin’s ownorientation) tend to have negative outcomes. Kevin’s parents do not acknowledge there isa problem. They believe their job is to support their son, not the school administration. Matters came to a head when the school principal revoked Kevin’s participation in an extracurricular field trip. His parents appealed to the school superintendent, which reversed the principal’s decision.
my question is What assessment can you make of his moral development and his self concept

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