Jesse, 42, is a construction worker in Las Vegas. He recently noticed that a mole on his face seemed to be getting bigger and darker.

Jesse, 42, is a construction worker in Las Vegas. He recently noticed that a mole on his face
seemed to be getting bigger and darker. At first, he didn’t worry because he was in the sun a
lot and assumed the change may have been caused by sunburn. After a month, not only was
the mole larger and redder, it appeared to be “bumpy.” His girlfriend said she was worried it
might be cancerous. He dismissed her concerns, but later he decided to see a doctor. The
physician performed a biopsy on the lesion which measured 5.09 mm thick and sent the tissue
sample to the lab for analysis. The MD called Jesse later in the week to report that the
diagnosis was malignant melanoma and referred Jesse to an oncologist. Jesse now notes that
there is pain in his right shin that does not go away when he puts his feet up or sleeps.
1. How do you diagnose melanoma?.
2. What is TNM staging system. What stage does it appear Jesse’s cancer
currently is?
3. What are the treatment options and medications available for Jesse’s cancer. What are the precautions of this medications?
4. What is Jesse’s prognosis for long term recovery.

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