HCA 615 Topic 6 DQ 1 What Is Customer Intelligence?

HCA 615 Topic 6 DQ 1 What is customer intelligence?

HCA 615 Topic 6 DQ 1 What is customer intelligence?

DQ 1 Qn: “Healthcare Marketing in the 21st Century: Beyond Promotion to Constructing Experiences to Achieve High Performance” discusses customer intelligence as it relates to marketing health care services. What is customer intelligence? How should the health care manager use customer intelligence to strategically create patient experiences? Provide an example to support your response.

The issue of health care marketing has taken a divergent turn from the previous focus on promotion to product. The new focus calls for health care organizations to improve the interaction between patients and the provider. By doing so, the customer experience received from the provision of quality care will result in improved customer satisfaction hence loyalty. Indeed, the contemporary marketing that focuses on patient satisfaction is premised upon the experience of the patient during their maiden encounter with the physician. Such first experiences will determine whether a customer continues to utilize the services of a care facility and promotes it to their friends and family members or otherwise. Therefore, the definition of marketing intelligence in health care denotes the feelings of a patient or patients towards the services that they received in health care. This is consistent with the article by Clark (2006), which reveals that marketing intelligence entails leveraging of the provider-patient interaction after acquiring customer intelligence information such as the desires, preferences and needs of the two groups.

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            The acquisition of customer intelligence data such as the ones mentioned above prove pivotal in gaining competitive advantage in a health care industry that has cutthroat competition. There are several ways that the health care manager can utilize customer intelligence in order to formulate strategic customer experience. One of the ways that this can occur entails the adoption a customer survey as regards their various services. In addition to customer surveys, ethnographic studies and even customer satisfaction may be adopted by health care managers in order to attain improved customer satisfaction hence loyalty. An example of this involves gathering data regarding the hospitalization experience of the patient. The data collected from such experiences will be analyzed and the gaps identified improved so as to increase the hospitalization experience. By doing this, the patient satisfaction will be achieved which translates to their loyalty hence promotion of the health care facility. 


Clark., A. P. (2016). Healthcare Marketing in the 21st Century: Beyond Promotion to Constructing Experiences to Achieve High Performance. Health Marketing Quarterly23(3), 1–7. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=32657491&site=ehost-live&scope=site

DQ 1 Responses

Marketing intelligence in health care indeed plays a critical role in advancing the interests of facilities. Whereas initially health care providers adopted the usage of cumbersome methodologies such as ethnographic studies (Clark, 2006), the advent of big data and technology has made the process even easier. The use of technological strategies such as Smartphone surveys makes the acquisition of patient thoughts on various services easier. The analysis of such big data reveals certain trends that make customers happy and others that make them less so. As such, health care managers will utilize the information to improve on the quality of services that they offer. By doing this, patients become more satisfied with the hospital, which makes it easier for them to relay the same to their friends.


Clark., A. P. (2016). Healthcare Marketing in the 21st Century: Beyond Promotion to Constructing Experiences to Achieve High Performance. Health Marketing Quarterly23(3), 1–7. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=32657491&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Marketing intelligence in health care is imperative especially when it comes to creating patronage in hospitals. Indeed, achieving change in health care takes a lot of anticipation of change and its successful anticipation. The change has already entered the industry in the form of marketing intelligence. The concept of marketing intelligence has seen people shift focus from one aspect to another when it comes to health care marketing. Indeed, the emphasis using this methodology entails leveraging the first contact between the provider and the patient. By doing this, the impression created during the interaction will ensure that hospitals maintain patronage and acquire new ones. Therefore, it becomes imperative that health care organizations adopt the concept going forward.