Choose two articles about the same topic that are written from different angles. (This is easiest to do, when you choose a quot;loadedquot; topic,…

2. Choose two articles about the same topic that are written from different angles. (This is easiest to do, when you choose a “loaded” topic, i.e. Gun Control, Abortion, etc.)
3. Read the articles, then respond to the following questions. (Make sure to link or to cite your articles in your response.)
What do you know about these two news sources (feel free to use Google to find out more information).
Based on your own belief system, how do you approach a news article like this? What Macro frame do you use when approaching this topic?
Also look at the placement of the articles, are they on the main page?
Are they opinion articles?
How does the placement frame the story? (Meaning, where did you find this article? If in a search, was it a top listing? On the website, was it prominently displayed? (Was this a “front-page” news item? If it was, what does that mean in reference to your perception of the article. If it was not, how does that impact how you feel about that information?)
How are these articles organized?
How do the pictures that are included with the article frame the stories for you before you ever begin to read the stories?
Do the authors start with a story, a statistic, or a fact?
How do the authors end the article?
Do they cite their sources, if necessary?
What words are used to shape how you view this topic?
Do the titles set you up to be critical of the stories?
Do the titles act as a frame or do they simply report the news?
What other words stand out to you in these articles?
What is the overall connotation of these words?
What kind of feeling does the article leave you with based on these words?
Did you have to look any words up, if so, how does that impact your ability to understand this topic?
brief reflection of this framing exercise.
What could be done different to re-frame these articles?
Could they be located in different places?
What words would you change?
Do you think the authors framed their stories appropriately?
How would the frame change if you had read the material in a different order?
How does framing change the way you approach the news?

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