Background April 2018 Northem Territory Nt Lifted Two Year Moratorium Fracking Extract Ga Q30775254

A. Background In April 2018, the Northem Territory (NT) lifted a two-year moratorium on fracking to extract gas, unlocking vast onshore reserves in the resource-rich region. and raising the possibility of other provinces following suit. NT is a 1.4 million sq km expanse of outback extending from the centre of Australia to its northem coastline. NT had banned hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, in September 2016 amid concems the drilling method could harm the environment. The NT govemment commissioned an inquiry into the environmental, social and economic risks of the extraction process and in April 2018 accepted the inquirys conclusion that the risks were manageable. Your Client-KEF-Gas Pty. KEF-Gas Pty, is an Australian exploration and production company focused on discovering and recovering natural resources, primarily natural gas, from shale rock. The company is headquartered in Perth, Westem Australia. It is owned by KE Factors Inc., an American company based in Atlanta. KE Factors Inc. was founded in 2006 by Keith Egge upon the acquisition of 46% of Tiara Energy from Ted Tott for US$500 million. Egge previously co-founded Peake Energy with Alice Band and was the chief operating officer of that company from 1989 until 2006. The current CEO is Colin Watch. On June 26th 2016, KE Factors Inc. filed for bankruptcy in America, citing a high debt load and low commodity prices. However, on October 14th 2016, the company emerged from a bankruptcy reorganisation, having reducing debt by US$3.7 bilion, and was again listed on the New York stock exchange. The company now expects all its subsidiary companies to maintain very strict financial controls, and take whatever steps are necessary to preserve capital. KEF-Gas Pty. is regarded as one of its most lean and efficient subsidiary companies. KEF-Gas Pty aims to be a model company for exploring and developing shale gas in Australia. They are acutely aware of the responsibilities this brings, particularly regarding safety, environmental protection and working with local communities. The company believes that shale gas exploration and development can be carried out safely, securely and in an environmentally responsible way, and the company aims to do this so that, as a country Australia has less need to use coal to generate electricity and so maintain a cleaner environment. The company currently has onshore driling licences throughout Australia. The project on which this assignment is based is on the northern coast of the Northern Territory (NT) in an area known as the Cox Peninsula. There are two main residential areasmedia%2F808%2F808a75d4-9088-4dce-b734-57media%2Fd16%2Fd16187ac-b8d9-4485-a410-1amedia%2F62e%2F62e14cbb-bb9d-40ec-9947-50media%2F66f%2F66fff130-5e46-486e-8f93-f6

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