assignment 9 (due 10:00pm Central time (tonight)

Assignment: week 9Client Service Plan (to complete assignment you need experience writing treatment or service plans.
Review your Week 8 Assignment. You will use the information that you gained from the interview on what the interviewee wants to accomplish to form a “Client Service Plan.”
Last week, you created a social history of the Syrian teen from the interactive learning community. After generating the social history, it is time to create goals to meet the needs of the client. All the goals necessary will likely need to be in conjunction with another agency.
For example, if a client came in that was homeless and had a drug addition, he might be looking for help in receiving treatment for his drug addition, trying to find a living arrangement, receiving basic needs such as food and clothing, and finding a job. Your particular agency might be able to provide food and clothing. However, another agency might provide permanent housing arrangements and job hunting services. You would likely recommend counseling or treatment plans with another agency, as well.
8 week assignment
Social History
Introduction to the Problem
In this paper, I have talked about the problem of a child, who is an orphan. He was basically from Sierra. His parents died during the bombing in the Sierra. He was brought to America by a missionary group. Due to the stress, he dropped out from school. He also spent some time in foster care.
Education & Arrangements Current living
He was in depression. Then he was adopted by a couple. He started to go to school. However, he could not concentrate in the study. After dropping out from school, he started to go to a foster care. Initially, it used to feel very bad. However, after some time because of the company of the others, his behaviour got changed. He began to concentrate more on his studies.
Marriage and other factors
After completion of the study, he got a good job. He marries to an American girl. The death of his parents has changed him and the way to look at the society. After marriage, it has made him a better parent. He is always very aware of memories that can mean to his kids.
Military Services
The military services are focused on tending to and finishing the household move. The “Family Advocacy Program” attempts to anticipate hustle by offering projects to put a stop to household mishandle before it begins. The FAP attempts to guarantee the wellbeing of casualties and enables military families to conquer the impacts of savagery and change ruinous conduct designs. FAP staff individuals are prepared to react to episodes of manhandling and disregard, bolster casualties, and offer counteractive action and treatment. The accompanying data will give you a superior comprehension of the FAP and how it underpins families and the military mission (militaryonesource, 2017).
Medical & Legal History
Moreover, meeting the needs of survivors — including medical care, HIV treatment, psychological support, economic assistance and legal redress — requires resources that most post-conflict countries do not have. As per the legal guidelines, the law is against the child labor and sexual abuse (dol, n.d.).
Social recreation & interaction
After the death of parents, the child can be miseducated, since it satisfies those to whom they are connected, not because they think that it is interesting and agreeable. Miseducation consequently makes inside clashes between the regular slants of youngsters and doing what others anticipate that they will do. Miseducation can be more vindictive than rushing since it can prompt all the more profound situated issues. Youngsters who have been rushed can take a year or two off before getting on with their grown-up lives, however miseducation, particularly when joined with hustling, can leave kids with hindered inventiveness and with clashes in their own identities (Jack C. Westman, n.d.).
Religious Activities
After coming to America, the victim was adopted by an American family. Now he follows the religion of them.
After the passing of their parents, many youngsters need to share their story. It provides them calmness. So their stories to be listened. Children additionally require progression (regular exercises), mind and association. It is essential to talk to the child and assign him some task to divert his mind (kidshealth, n.d.).

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