Students will choose a state and write a research paper that examines that particular state’s two-year college structure/system. The paper should include the history of the state’s two-year coll

Students will choose a state and write a research paper that examines that particular state’s two-year college structure/system. The paper should include the history of the state’s two-year college system, current issues impacting the state’s two-year colleges, and a general comparison to other state two-year college systems (See rubric for more information). This paper should be 8 – 10 pages (at least 8 full pages and no more than 10 full pages), which does NOT include title page and reference list. The references should include at least 10 scholarly sources. The paper should be written in APA format with title page, 1” margins, and 12-point font. No more than two students will be allowed to research a single state. After selecting a state, you must email me to approve your selected state. In your email, you should list three options: first choice, second choice, and third choice. My approval will be issued on a “first-come/first-serve” basis.
Files: ResearchPaperInformation.pdf

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