Discussion: Rock-Paper-Scissorsxc2x97The Courtroom Version’
Rock-paper-scissors is a simple game played all over the world. No matter which of the three elements you choose in any roundxe2x80x94rock, paper, or scissorsxe2x80x94one is a clear winner with power over the other two elements. Rock smashes scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock.xc2xa0For this courtroom version of rock-paper-scissors, you will be deciding which element wins. Write each of the following five titles on a slip of paper (they are the names of personnel who play important roles in the efficiency of court proceedings):JudgeLawyerLitigantCourt clerk/managerCourt administratorClose your eyes and randomly pick two slips of paper bearing different titles. Based on Chapter 8 of Judicial Process in America, and the xe2x80x9cLegal Staff and Court Staff in the United States Judiciaryxe2x80x9d document from the module resources, consider the powers and duties of each of the two court participants named on the slips of paper chosen. Decide which of the two titles that you picked wins that roundxe2x80x94that is, decide which of the two roles has power over the other and the ability to stop, stymie, interfere with, or delay the work of a person in the other role. For example, if you pick xe2x80x9cjudgexe2x80x9d and xe2x80x9clitigant,xe2x80x9d you might decide that the judge wins because the judge can deny the litigantxe2x80x99s requests for a delay of a hearing date.xc2xa0In your initial post, identify which two titles you selected, state who you decided was the winner, and explain why.xc2xa0 ‘
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